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Emergency Savings

Cancer Finds Anyone That Is Young Or Old, Rich Or Poor

If you have ever thought that you are healthy (eat well, sleep well, exercise well) and you will be free from any form of illnesses and you do not need to have any health or life insurance to cover yourself… think again… I have just realized that one of my healthy friends have just contracted early stages of cancer but he is on the way to recovery because of early detection and after going through chemotherapy cycles.

Cancer Finds Just About Anybody

This is a hard fact that you cannot simply avoid! This form of illness will find just about anybody – regardless of age, health and financial status. You can be 100% conscious of your health or fitness level but you can never 100% avoid it if it ever does come knocking at your door. Though it is still as important to be health conscious, it does pay to have more attention that you are always financially prepared (be it now or in the future) to handle such situation!

Why It Matters To Be Financially Prepared

Understood from my friend that once you know there are signs of contracting it, it is going to be a toll financially…  from a simple pain in a particular body area  to the stage of convincing yourself to see a doctor to get a proper diagnose that is already the beginning of a financial nightmare – you have to pay (and keep paying) to go for medical tests after medical tests just to confirm the status.

Once you have confirmed that its not a good sign, you have to speak to a specialist to diagnose the stage at which you may be in and to start arranging for advance medical treatments and screenings. The road to recovery is there but the reality of life is that you have to pay to go through it. Meanwhile if you are working for a living, this road to recovery will have some effects on it as well – because of the treatments involved, you will be too tired to work, so most probably you have to put yourself on long (paid and unpaid) medical leave…

How To Get Yourself Prepared For Any Health Situation

#1 You Need To Exercise

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