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How To Reach A Million Dollars When You’re 65

Been a long while since I posted something on my personal blog.

Do not know if I am jinxed or what – I had a terrible in-growth toe nail, suffered an injured wrist when my brother fell on me, my sinus is back and I am recovering from a chesty cough… Medical cost for these: > $100.

So do take careful steps to take good care of your health. As there is a saying that goes: “No Health = No Wealth”

Here’s what I have to share…

Do you have a dream of becoming a millionaire? I know I have and I want more than that!

From the talks I have with some of my clients – not many have the dreams to own a million dollars; it would be good but instead having enough to pass by everyday will be good enough. This is rather sad but true.

But if you do have this dream of becoming a millionaire, it’s always possible at whichever life stage that you are.

I have been playing around with the Savings Calculator as provided by our CPF board and this is what you need to save per month to reach a million:

At Current Age 25:

If you have saved $0:

  • To reach a million dollars by Age 65 (at an average annual return of 4%), you will need to save an initial lump sum of $208,289 or regular monthly savings of $843.25.
  • If you are a risk-taker and will like to go into unit trust (investing into equities with average return of 8%), you will need to save an initial lump sum of $46,031 or regular monthly savings of $297.83.

At Current Age 35:

If you have saved $0:

  • To reach a million dollars by Age 65 (at an average annual return of 4%), you will need to save an initial lump sum of $308,319 or regular monthly savings of $1428.67.
  • If you are a risk-taker and will like to go into unit trust (investing into equities with average return of 8%), you will need to save an initial lump sum of $99,377 or regular monthly savings of $681.17.

At Current Age 45:

If you have saved $0:

  • To reach a million dollars by Age 65 (at an average annual return of 4%), you will need to save an initial lump sum of $456,387 or regular monthly savings of $2690.83.
  • If you are a risk-taker and will like to go into unit trust (investing into equities with average return of 8%), you will need to save an initial lump sum of $214,548 or regular monthly savings of $1681.17.

At Current Age 55:

If you have saved $0:

  • To reach a million dollars by Age 65 (at an average annual return of 4%), you will need to save an initial lump sum of $675,564 or regular monthly savings of $6673.92.
  • If you are a risk-taker and will like to go into unit trust (investing into equities with average return of 8%), you will need to save an initial lump sum of $463,193 or regular monthly savings of $5326.33.

There you go, whichever stage you are in, you are always ready to reach a million dollars by the age of 65. The matter is only whether you are ready or not to make a move and start savings today.

Also a good point to note is that, the later (the older you are) you set your mind to start savings, the more you have to set aside (please do consider the feasibility as by then you may have you own family and more personal commitments).

If you are wondering what are the investment instruments that I have used to generate my 4% and 8% per annum return, they are simply an endowment and investment-linked plan respectively.

I wish you all the best in becoming a millionaire today!

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